Saturday, October 6, 2012

Life after Death

I got to say, big up to Pastor Chris Durso and the whole Misfit crew. I had this theme and idea of what to do on my next blog, and all of a sudden, I see that their October series fell right in with what God was putting on my heart. Coincidence? Hardly that. The Lord has a funny way of aligning things.
Born and raised in Brooklyn, I remember when Biggie first began to leak onto the streets his brand of music. It hit hard! First album, "READY TO DIE" was a success. I loved the in your face lyrics with little care to those that were listening. It was Brooklyn at its best. I ran with it. Fed on every rhyme that came out of his mouth and formed a lifestyle that was dangerous at every turn. I just didn't care. I was ready to die in order to survive on the streets I was being raised on. Rappers rapped about it, cool... I rather be living it was my mentality.
That lifestyle brought on years of misery. Court dates after court dates. Prison stints. Drug use. It was chaos at its best. Unstable friendships and relationships. I trusted no one but myself. Second album, "LIFE AFTER DEATH" was also a smash. Gritty. Hard. Nasty. It shaped out 16 years of my life.
I was running like that till one day I was rocked by God's love and mercy. To think that someone could still love me and accept me after everything I had done was mind boggling. I couldn't piece it together, but I didn't have to. All I felt was this forgiveness and love that I still can't explain in it's entirety, but something happened that night and I have never been the same since.
In John 18:10-11, the bible states the accounts of when Jesus was arrested. He was with his disciples when guards came to arrest him. It says that one of his disciples named Peter took out his sword and cut the ear off of one of the guards as they approached Jesus. I would say Peter was READY TO DIE at the very moment, but Jesus did something that baffled all of them. He rebuked Peter, picked up the ear and attached it back on the guard, and went on his way to be crucified. He wanted to show Peter that instead of dying for the gospel, he really wanted him to live it.
2 Corinthians 5:17 says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" I was READY TO DIE that moment I encountered Jesus. I was tired. I was miserable. I was at the end of my rope. I couldn't continue to live the way I was living and so basically, I was done. There was a funeral that day. I did die. Died to everything I was at that moment. Once I let go of it all, I encountered LIFE! I was READY TO LIVE! Live for Jesus! Live for the gospel! I received LIFE AFTER DEATH! My life was given purpose and for once, I've never felt so alive!
If you're a follower of Christ, are you ready to die? Not die for the gospel... not die for Jesus... let's begin with dying to yourself? If you can do that, everything else will follow. It's easier said than done, cause many scream "JESUS" at the top of their lungs, but their life and choices dictate otherwise. If you want to be a world changer and turn your city upside down, die to your old self and inherit the new life that is found in Christ Jesus and watch what God will do with a life that is fully consecrated to him. Not partially, but fully. If there's nothing amazing happening in and through your life, then you may have an issue with dying for the gospel in the first place. If you can't live it, then you can't die for it. If you can't die for it, then you can't live it. That simple.

Dwight L Moody - "The world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully consecrated to him. By God's help, I aim to be that man."


Love you all!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Why So Sensitive? (Novocain Remix)

No. You won't find Frank Ocean's lyrics on here but if I may, let me share what I believe will be one of the most important topics I will ever share on my blog-story and what may be the state of christianity in todays world.

Can the CHURCH ( YOU and I ) be slowly losing it's grip on reality? When I say reality, I'm referring to the reality of GOD. We always have had the back and forth debates regarding evolution and the big bang theory with the WORLD, but I want to go a bit deeper than that. I want to touch on the subject of SIN. Are Christians becoming numb to SIN?

Paul says in the book of Romans chapter 12 verse 2, "Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this WORLD, but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your MIND". I have a problem when someone says they are a BELIEVER but yet, live a life that is totally opposite of what that actually means. You can't say, "I'm a Christian" but yet partake in every impure act out there. It's like, "Oh, you're a CHRISTIAN.." but your FACEBOOK, TWITTER / TUMBLR / INSTAGRAM / or whatever other social media networks are out there, DEPICTS something totally different. God will not, and can't stand for that. Let me put it this way. Paul, again, in Ephesians chapter 4 verses 17-19 says, "... you must NO LONGER live as the Gentiles (WORLD) do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their UNDERSTANDING and SEPARATED from the life of God because of the IGNORANCE that is in them due to the HARDENING of their hearts. HAVING LOST ALL SENSITIVITY, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to INDULGE in EVERY kind of IMPURITY, with a CONTINUAL LUST FOR MORE". What are you LUSTING for? Another word for lust is DESIRE. Are your desires lining up with Gods desires? If you're hanging out, chilling, clubbing, drinking, engaging in impure talks, is that something you think God would approve of? How does that DISTINGUISH you from the WORLD? How many drinks are you having? Are you getting buzzed? What type of music are they playing? What are the conversations you are having consisting of? Are you talking about Godly things, or does that only take place when you are in church settings or surroundings?

When someone SINS, it should cause a reaction of PAIN. When Eve sinned in Genesis chapter 3 verse 16, God said, "... with PAIN you will give birth to children". Mind you that EVERY human being after that was born a "sinner". SINNING should be PAINFUL to EVERY believer. If it isn't, then it may just be that you are losing or have LOST ALL SENSITIVITY to the effect of SIN. Especially if after committing a sin, you find yourself LUSTING FOR MORE. It's you choosing to do what you know you shouldn't even after you already have done it. It's become a lifestyle and not just a trip here and there. The enemy would want you to believe it's ok for you to do this since God is gracious and merciful, but do not be deceived. Living such a lifestyle may take you to a place where your heart may become HARDENED and you'll find yourself SEPARATED from UNDERSTANDING what the life of GOD really consists of. Paul continues to say in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 (MSG), "WATCH WHAT GOD DOES, AND THEN YOU DO IT". I highly doubt you would catch God in a club sipping out of a bottle looking around for whoever is looking "hot" at the moment to spend some "quality" time.

PAIN is an important safety feature of the human body because without it, no one would have any warning of injury. There are people that have a rare genetic disorder that make them feel no pain, and every story on them state how DANGEROUS this actually is. Here is just one article:

There have been many moments in my own life where I struggled with a sin and for the most part, I thank God that when I did, I would feel such a hurt and guilt that would cause me to turn back to him. There were also times, as a believer, that I felt no guilt or conviction what so ever, and God, by his mercy would check me as to wake me up, and when I did realize and my eyes became open once again to my sinful nature, I would ask for his forgiveness and grace, and like the loving God he is, he would embrace me once again. No one is immune to this. This is why we must strive to live a life like the one David did. No matter how many times David sinned, he would always turn back to God with a desire to forever be found in his presence. To have a heart after Gods own heart and acknowledging that even though we are sinners, his grace and mercy is not something we should take advantage of, instead cause us to live a life that will be HOLY and PLEASING unto him. After all, you are the "SALT OF THE EARTH".



Let David's prayer be our prayer today and for days to come.

Love you all,

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Oh, You Fancy Huh?

I've been going hard on LEADERS lately, but that's only because I have been dealt with in my leadership this past year or so. It has been a very tough season, but a very crucial one as well.

From opening my heart to Jesus, to serving in various ministries, to actually leading a ministry, it seem like my life was on track with what God wanted to do with it. God revealed His call on my life during this time of just serving, and when it all began to unfold right before me, I felt like nothing could derail the plan God had for me. I was experiencing God in exciting ways. My hunger to seek Him was on full blast. Not a day went by that I didn't seek Him in one way or another. I wasn't perfect as I still had many flaws, but for the most part, I knew my life was forever changed the moment I opened my heart to Jesus on that fateful night he began to speak to me. I had a new sense of purpose and meaning. I speak of everything in the past tense because something happened that changed all of that. Something that took me a very long time to figure out as God began to deal with my "flaws".

Everything happens for a reason. I'm sure you have heard of this saying somewhere along your life, right? Well, it does. The quicker you learn the "reason", the faster you'll get out of that uncertainty state we find ourselves in when we don't understand ".. what just happened?'. Let me explain this really quick. I got injured requiring surgery that knocked me out of work for about 3 months. I had to give up my "position" in the ministry so that I can take time to heal. A freak 1 minute storm ( I still say it was a tornado that swept through my block! ) took out my car as it leveled trees on top of it. I mean, I can go into details about other things that were going on, but let me just say that when it rained, it poured. God wanted some "alone" time with me and He made sure to do everything in his power to get it. My priorities were all screwed up. It became all about my "call" and less about the "caller". It was a tough season for me, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It took me a very long time to see that God was doing something new in me during this time. He was checking me, and when God checks, it hurts! But I must say, when it's all said and done, you come out with such a new sense of appreciation of who God is and why he allowed those things to take place in the first place. It's the story of Naaman found in 2Kings chapter 5.

Naaman was the general of the kings army of Aram. He had POWER, AUTHORITY, INFLUENCE and RESPECT. Attributes that make up a great LEADER. He is described as a " truly great man " in The Message. He also had LEPROSY. Here is a man, called to lead this army during this time, under the kings authority, with this one major flaw, and God still granted him victory in his battle against Israel. He was told a prophet could heal him, so he took off to see this prophet. He encountered Elisha the prophet who told him to go dip in the Jordan River seven times. Naaman got upset. He mentioned two other rivers of Damascus that were much cleaner than the Jordan. 'Why not send me to those rivers instead' he said. After his rant, he decided to obey. He went to the Jordan, dipped himself seven times and came out clean, and this is what I want to focus in on today.

As a leader, or just a follower of Christ, there will be "not so fancy " moments when God will say, " Ok, it's going to get a little "dirty". The bible doesn't make mention of anyone else getting in with Naaman though he went to the Jordan with some of his people. This will be a lonely time, where God will deal with you. Others may see it, but it is for you to " dip " in it. It will be a tough time, but in the end, you will come out "cleaner". That season I mentioned earlier was my " dipping in the Jordan seven times " season. A season of TRUSTING, OBEDIENCE and WAITING. The SEVEN times represent a "WAITING". Sometimes the wait may seem long. Mine felt like forever. There were moments of, " I can do this.." and then there were moments of, " I don't think I want to do this anymore ". God wanted to cleanse me from "flaws"and "diseases" that were hindering my leadership capabilities. We all have flaws. Insecurities. Not one is perfect in the eyes of our God. Was I going to listen, obey and wait on God to do the work he wanted to do? I had no choice. Naaman did. I basically was forced, but boy am I glad I was. You see, only God can heal me from my pride, selfishness, entitlement. The desire to be affirmed by man. The cure for these things is OBEDIENCE. There was no cure for leprosy back in Naaman's days, but he obeyed, dipped himself in the Jordan and was cured! I had to learn to obey God during this tough period of my life. A hard lesson, but a valuable one none the less.

I can say that even though it's a work in process, I've come out with a brand new sense of who God is and his plans for me. He's never done working new things in our lives. So if you're a leader, or just a follower of Jesus and you're going through a difficult time, hang in there! God is doing something new! He's healing you and refreshing you! This may be your " dipping in the Jordan seven times " season. Just trust, wait and obey. If you desire to become a leader and feel God's call on your life, know that it will get "dirty" at times, but God will see you through. He's just that faithful! Just remember, the call to lead is eventually a call to follow.

Love you all,