Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Oh, You Fancy Huh?

I've been going hard on LEADERS lately, but that's only because I have been dealt with in my leadership this past year or so. It has been a very tough season, but a very crucial one as well.

From opening my heart to Jesus, to serving in various ministries, to actually leading a ministry, it seem like my life was on track with what God wanted to do with it. God revealed His call on my life during this time of just serving, and when it all began to unfold right before me, I felt like nothing could derail the plan God had for me. I was experiencing God in exciting ways. My hunger to seek Him was on full blast. Not a day went by that I didn't seek Him in one way or another. I wasn't perfect as I still had many flaws, but for the most part, I knew my life was forever changed the moment I opened my heart to Jesus on that fateful night he began to speak to me. I had a new sense of purpose and meaning. I speak of everything in the past tense because something happened that changed all of that. Something that took me a very long time to figure out as God began to deal with my "flaws".

Everything happens for a reason. I'm sure you have heard of this saying somewhere along your life, right? Well, it does. The quicker you learn the "reason", the faster you'll get out of that uncertainty state we find ourselves in when we don't understand ".. what just happened?'. Let me explain this really quick. I got injured requiring surgery that knocked me out of work for about 3 months. I had to give up my "position" in the ministry so that I can take time to heal. A freak 1 minute storm ( I still say it was a tornado that swept through my block! ) took out my car as it leveled trees on top of it. I mean, I can go into details about other things that were going on, but let me just say that when it rained, it poured. God wanted some "alone" time with me and He made sure to do everything in his power to get it. My priorities were all screwed up. It became all about my "call" and less about the "caller". It was a tough season for me, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It took me a very long time to see that God was doing something new in me during this time. He was checking me, and when God checks, it hurts! But I must say, when it's all said and done, you come out with such a new sense of appreciation of who God is and why he allowed those things to take place in the first place. It's the story of Naaman found in 2Kings chapter 5.

Naaman was the general of the kings army of Aram. He had POWER, AUTHORITY, INFLUENCE and RESPECT. Attributes that make up a great LEADER. He is described as a " truly great man " in The Message. He also had LEPROSY. Here is a man, called to lead this army during this time, under the kings authority, with this one major flaw, and God still granted him victory in his battle against Israel. He was told a prophet could heal him, so he took off to see this prophet. He encountered Elisha the prophet who told him to go dip in the Jordan River seven times. Naaman got upset. He mentioned two other rivers of Damascus that were much cleaner than the Jordan. 'Why not send me to those rivers instead' he said. After his rant, he decided to obey. He went to the Jordan, dipped himself seven times and came out clean, and this is what I want to focus in on today.

As a leader, or just a follower of Christ, there will be "not so fancy " moments when God will say, " Ok, it's going to get a little "dirty". The bible doesn't make mention of anyone else getting in with Naaman though he went to the Jordan with some of his people. This will be a lonely time, where God will deal with you. Others may see it, but it is for you to " dip " in it. It will be a tough time, but in the end, you will come out "cleaner". That season I mentioned earlier was my " dipping in the Jordan seven times " season. A season of TRUSTING, OBEDIENCE and WAITING. The SEVEN times represent a "WAITING". Sometimes the wait may seem long. Mine felt like forever. There were moments of, " I can do this.." and then there were moments of, " I don't think I want to do this anymore ". God wanted to cleanse me from "flaws"and "diseases" that were hindering my leadership capabilities. We all have flaws. Insecurities. Not one is perfect in the eyes of our God. Was I going to listen, obey and wait on God to do the work he wanted to do? I had no choice. Naaman did. I basically was forced, but boy am I glad I was. You see, only God can heal me from my pride, selfishness, entitlement. The desire to be affirmed by man. The cure for these things is OBEDIENCE. There was no cure for leprosy back in Naaman's days, but he obeyed, dipped himself in the Jordan and was cured! I had to learn to obey God during this tough period of my life. A hard lesson, but a valuable one none the less.

I can say that even though it's a work in process, I've come out with a brand new sense of who God is and his plans for me. He's never done working new things in our lives. So if you're a leader, or just a follower of Jesus and you're going through a difficult time, hang in there! God is doing something new! He's healing you and refreshing you! This may be your " dipping in the Jordan seven times " season. Just trust, wait and obey. If you desire to become a leader and feel God's call on your life, know that it will get "dirty" at times, but God will see you through. He's just that faithful! Just remember, the call to lead is eventually a call to follow.

Love you all,


  1. RalphyRoc! Welcome to the Blogosphere!

  2. Thank you for being an inspiration! It was time ;) May God be glorified... #lovemyteam #weareyoungnyc #waynyc

  3. Welcome to the blog world my friend!!

  4. That truly blessed my heart. I sing that song "we will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony everyone overcomes" it like resonates in my spirit and this is the exact reason why! What you have gone through will help me to grow.. I have to dip that is where I am now, feel like I am failing but there is hope, God won't bring me this far to leave me now. But you are a living testimony and look how much joy and influence you have to give now. I am so beyond proud of you.. And yes love you!!! Inspiring others on in their faith. I hope that reguvinates you to keep going.

    1. Amipadi! There was only ONE who lived a life that never failed God, and his name was, and is Jesus. We ALL fail him one way or another. It's in those failures and mistakes that God does his most precious works! Can't wait to see the beauty that will come out as God pours into you during this time. My prayers are with you. Love you immensely!
